Emerging Managers Meeting @ Berkshire Hathaway

Join the best fund manager networking event in Omaha!

The Emerging Managers Meeting adds value to you by …

  • … by connecting you with fellow fund managers.
  • … allowing fruitful exchanges with allocators.
  • … creating the right atmosphere to grow your network.

When will the Emerging Managers Meeting take place?

Good Investing Omaha experience

2nd May 2025
3 to 5 PM

Omaha, Nebraska

How is the Emerging Managers Meeting helpful to you?

The Emerging Manager Meeting will add value to you by:

Meeting interested allocators ✅

Networking with fund managers💡

Making helpful friends 😊

The meeting is designed to be the best event for fund managers in Omaha:

  • We strongly focus on individual networking. So, you will have the chance to meet the right people in your own pace.
  • We are giving you the chance to meet experienced and helpful mentors that can help you with your fund building questions.
  • We are very selective about who we let in to the Emerging Managers Meeting to ensure the best quality for you.
  • You will have opportunities to meet interested allocators to have interesting conversations with.
  • We make sure that we will have a good manager to allocator ratio at the event. This gives every manager the chance to have meaningful conversations for their business.

This is what previous guests say about the Emerging Managers Meeting

250+ fund managers have enjoyed the meeting. Here is what they say:

Which experienced managers will be there to support you?

Experienced fund managers will share their business-building experiences with all participants. These experienced managers have already confirmed their attendance:

Soo Chuen Tan - Emerging Managers Meeting

Soo Chuen Tan

Soo Chuen Tan built out his partnership thoughtfully over the last decade. Learn more about Discerene Group here.

Scott Miller

Scott Miller

Scott Miller is running Greenhaven Road and the Partner Fund for talented managers. Learn more about the Partners Fund here.

Theron de Ris - Emerging Managers Meeting

Theron de Ris

Theron de Ris invests at Sorengo Partners and has also built a platform for emerging managers in UK. Learn more here.

Good Investing Omaha experience


We are working on adding more helpful managers for you.

How can an additional Good Investing Plus membership boost my stay in Omaha?

You can even get more value out of your BRK trip, if you join the Good Investing Plus community:

We are supporting Emerging Managers in our Plus community. Here are some of your benefits:

  • You can join our Good Investing Conference @ BRK and enjoy more networking opportunities.
  • You can register for the Emerging Managers Meeting with one click. No application is needed.
  • You can bring one teammate to the Emerging Managers Meeting without additional costs.
  • You will be able to connect with other fund managers ahead of the event.
  • You can get your page in our Manager Booklet. In early April, we send it to allocators to support your networking in Omaha.

To enjoy all benefits, please:

Do you want to have a quick event summary?

Please watch our Emerging Managers Meeting invitation video:


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What does a ticket for the Emerging Managers Meeting cost?

Tickets can only be refunded as a voucher for the Good Investing Plus community.

Early Bird
Availabe till 31/03/2025
Only 10 tickets available.
Full access
Welcome gift
-> Support us (Invoice)
Availabe till 20/04/2025
Full access
Welcome gift
-> Support us (Invoice)
Last Minute
Available from 21/04/2025
Full access
Welcome gift
-> Contact us

Allocators can participate for free by just applying below.

Apply here to join the Emerging Managers Meeting

👉🏻 Necessary: Please confirm your newsletter subscription. It is needed to keep you updated. 👈🏻

    Yes, please send me the Good Investing newsletter for event updates.

      Yes, please send me the Good Investing newsletter for event updates.

      What happens after your application?

      Onboarding steps @ Good Investing Plus Investing Community

      1. Are you a fit for the event?

      We want to ensure you are a fit for the Emerging Managers Meeting. Therefore, we will review your application in-depth.

      2. Payment

      If we feel you are a fit, you will be invited to buy your ticket. We will send you the payment link to buy your ticket within the next 7 days.

      3. The exchange begins

      Once we have received your payment, we will share additional details about the Emerging Managers Meeting with you.

      FAQ: Emerging Managers Meeting @ Berkshire Hathaway

      FAQ @ Good Investing Plus Investing Community

      We warmly welcome the following participants:

      • Emerging Fund Managers who are running a fund with less than ten years of fund track record
      • Soon-to-be Emerging Managers who are planning to start a fund shortly (12 months or less)
      • Allocators that are interested in meeting Emerging Managers

      Based on our experience, roughly 1/3 of the participants will be allocators.

      The event is capacity-constrained to 150 participants and will, highly likely be, sold out.

      The Emerging Managers Meeting is a pure networking event. After registration, you can start networking with other participants. We are pleased to assist you with targeted introductions throughout the event. Please let us know if you want to speak to a dedicated person.

      The dress code is casual to business casual.

      Please stay at least 90 minutes to profit from the event. Otherwise, you will miss out on many great networking opportunities.

      We are meeting at a nice and spacious place in Omaha. We will e-mail you the address once you have paid for your ticket. In addition, please ensure that you have confirmed the newsletter subscription to receive the location.

      Drinks and beverages are available at the event. You must pay via an individual tap for the beverages you consume.

      You can also get food at restaurants in the venue if you are hungry.

      We cover the costs for the rental space, security, our team and materials we need to run the Emerging Managers Meeting with the ticket fee.

      The closer we are to the BRK Annual Meeting, the busier we are with organizing our networking conference. Therefore, the price increases in close distance to the AGM to incentivize early RSVPs.

      We do everything to provide you with a ton of value. We work hard to make get great guests to the event to make it the best possible Emerging Managers Meeting. Based on our market research, the event can also provide you a tremendous value for a minimal investment.

      The Emerging Managers Meeting is usually overbooked and with a teammate, you will also have a networking advantage to other firms. Therefore, you need to buy a dedicated team-mate ticket. A team-mate ticket costs the following for each member of your team:

      • It costs €399 in addition to all ticket classes.

      Your teammates can apply via the form above, too. Then we will send them the payment link.

      The first meeting has been in 2022. Since then, the meeting has yearly been taking place.

      Yes. You can get a 100% refund for your ticket until 31 March 2025. After this date, a refund won’t be possible.

      For all times, CET is relevant.

      Sure! Just ask us for an invoice and we are happy to send it to you.