Here you can enjoy our conversation between Joel Cohen of MITIMCo and Rob Vinall. In this Q&A format, both have discussesd what MITIMCo is looking for in Emerging Managers. Here
Category: Allocators
What do allocators look for in investors? Please find insights from the world of allocators in our Good Investing Talks transcripts.
What do allocators look for in Emerging Managers? A panel
During RV Capital’s Annual Meeting 2022 Rob Vinall hosts a traditional allocator panel. Patrick Maurenbrecher, Claudine Innes and James Ferguson joined to answer the questions of the guests. They have
What qualities do endowments look for in emerging managers?
Here you can enjoy the transcript of a conversation about emerging managers and allocators between Rob Vinall and three allocators. This transcript is part of a series of transcripts of
Nate Chesley, what does MITIMCo look for in fund managers?
Here you can enjoy the transcript of a conversation between Nate Chesley of MITIMCo and Rob Vinall. It gives you insights into what MITIMCo is looking for in young investment