Good Investing Conference Berlin – The conference for investment business builders

The Good Investing Investing Conference Berlin is for you if …
The Good Investing Conference Berlin schedule
This is how we design the Good Investing Conference Berlin
The conference is designed with these values:

Focus on your questions
We give you the freedom to make this conference your conference. Therefore, we give you the room to put your questions in focus.

Fruitful exchange
We want to spark a lot of conversations and direct exchanges. Engagement between the participants is our key goal.

Relaxed helpfulness
We want to work in a culture of relaxed helpfulness. Every participant should be incentivized to help others with their questions.
Wednesday’s Open Space workshop: Meet our experts
To support investment company builders, we provide access to helpful investment business-building expertise during our Open Space workshop:
What questions will be discussed in the Open Space?
On Wednesday, we will work together in the Open Space method.
Do you look for ways to position your investment business better? Do you have questions about marketing & structure? Do you want AUM growth?
Do you want to know what the other workshops have discussed? Are you interested in a list of the participants?
What could be exciting investments for my investment fund? How do other investors do their conversations with companies?
What investments do other investors like at the moment? What are their favorite ideas?
Thursday’s capital market conference: Meet these companies
On Thursday morning, you can meet the following companies:
To be announced soon.
The price to participate
At the investment breakfast, you can meet the following companies:
Please apply to our Plus community to join the Berlin conference
The Good Investing Plus provides the digital backbone for our conference. In addition to more conference background information, Plus gives you access to a global investor network and more support for investment business builders. Therefore, please apply to the community to join the Berlin conference.
[cf7form cf7key=”plus-2023″]
Please give us detailed answers. Thank you! <3
What happens after your Plus application?

1. Are we right for you?
We want to ensure you will be happy in the community and at the conference. Therefore, we will check your application to see if it is suitable. Sometimes we might need more information. Then we will ask you for it.
2. Onboarding
If we feel you are a great fit, you will receive a link to onboard within a month. A few clicks later, you can access our member’s area, the conference area, and our welcoming emails. You are on board now!
3. Conference access is granted
Now you can start networking with other investors in Circle. You can get more information on the Berlin conference. Furthermore, you will receive invitations to webinars, meetings, and more.
FAQ: Good Investing Conference Berlin

Picture sources: & Foto von Florian Wehde auf Unsplash, Freepik, mynamepong, iconixar, prettycons, Becris, VectorSquad, Smashicons on