Daniel Glaser of River Oak Capital is an outstanding global investor with a strong focus on the Nordics. He walked me through his journey into investing and his approach in
Archives: Episodes
Nick Devlin, what are the pains of growth for Naked Wines?
With Nick Devlin, the CEO of Naked Wines, I had the pleasure to discuss the developments and prospects of the wine e-commerce company. We discussed the following topics:00:00 Beginning and
Is Nintendo a multi-bagger? Ryan O’Connor on Todd Wenning on $NTDOY
With Ryan O’Connor of Crossroad Capital and Todd Wenning of Ensemble Capital, I had the pleasure to take a deep dive into Nintendo. Here you can find the transcript: Here
Is Naked Wines building a mousetrap? A chat with Rowan Gormley
I had the pleasure to chat with the former CEO of Naked Wines, Rowan Gormley. We have discussed the following (Important. Rowan has retired from Naked Wines and his only
Is 1 investment per year enough? Andrew Rosenblum on AHA moments
Andrew Rosenblum of Bonsai Partners is an impressive investor. He is looking globally for great business and investment opportunities. Here we chat about his way into investing, his approach, and
How friendship helps to find the best stocks – Dennis Hong & Fred Liu
In this livestream Fred Liu (Hayden Capital) and Dennis Hong (ShawSpring) answered many questions from our audience. Here you can find the transcript: https://www.good-investing.net/2020/10/24/dennis-hong-fred-liu/ We discussed the following:1:03 Their single
What makes internet stocks attractive, Dennis Hong (ShawSpring)?
With Dennis Hong (ShawSpring) I discussed the following topics:00:01:44 What quality dog brings to someone who invests on the stock market?00:03:01 So how does dog react to volatility?00:04:32 Dennis Hong,
Why are you invested in Sea Limited & Carvana, Fred Liu?
Fred Liu of Hayden Capital is a Value Investor with a focus on quality investments. He is investing concentrated and looking for opportunities in the Asian internet space. In this
Why is Cliff Sosin invested in Carvana? A talk
Here we are talking with Cliff Sosin (CAS Investment Partners) about his investment in Carvana, shorting and his advice for young investors. We start this interview with talking about the
How to generate ideas? A conversation with Value Investor Cliff Sosin
Clifford Sosin is the Founder and Portfolio Manager of CAS Investments Partners (www.casinvestmentpartners.com) which is located in New York and Westport, CT. As a Value Investor Cliff has an outstanding